Hello dear followers!
I've started my Wood Elf army, I'm planning to have 2500 painted points in october. Unfortunatelly I've sold all my Lizarmen army, because I didn't like it.
Well, first of all I've started with the basics, Glade Guard.
I've undercoated in white, and then with airbrush I've painted the green layers. It's basic troupes do I'll not spend a lot of time on them, but I'm trying to paint them quick but nice.
Here you are the first 31glade guards:
The first 15 were painted using a summer schema, more yellow and dry collors and the others 16 were painted witha different schema, more like spring tones.
The spring ones:
The detail of the airbrush green layers to create shadows. |
I hope you enjoyed the post, next unit will be the new 6 wild riders.
See you soon,